Thursday, July 5, 2007

New York New York

New York City May 2006
After attending West Point's graduation (and seeing President George W. speak!) we spent the weekend in the city- the girl's first trip. Our main reason for this part of the trip was to take the girls to....
Otherwise known as every girl's dream! Ohmyword- too precious for words, and definitely a once in a lifetime trip. The girls brought their dolls, and started by having their hair done.

After their trip to the hair salon, and a little, ok a lot, of shopping, we had lunch in the cafe' there.We were blessed with lots of hugs from our happy girls!
The family with their dolls. Daddy earned sainthood by wearing the matching shirt Mommy bought him for the trip. Trust me when I tell you this was against his will... but he surprised mommy by packing it and putting it on before we left the hotel for the day. What a guy, hm!?
Oh, yeah, and he kept this handy.

And surprised his tired girls with a rickshaw trip back to the hotel after our day of shopping. He was waiting in front of the store with our bags loaded when we came out... a guy on a bicycle pulled us through the city. It was amazing!

A skyline tour of the city on the top level of the bus at 11:00 at night... of course we are calling Nana and Papa to tell them we wish they were there!

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