Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Christmas Card Picture 2006... I even had the cards made up and addressed the envelopes. Did they make it to the post office? Oh no! But this is the picture you would have seen if they did make it in the mail :-) Maybe next year?


Dena said...

I just clicked on your site from Lots of Scotts and saw this post. At first, I thought you were saying you had your Christmas cards for this year all ready to go, and I thought, wow, I have nothing in common with this person! Then I realized we have a lot in common, as I had cards made with my kid's picture on the front, and mostly addressed, but somehow, never got them sent either! What's one to do with 75 copies of the same picture?
Thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

What a cute picture...and I am glad to know I'm not the only one who has trouble getting the cards in the mail! I decided to forgo the guilt this year and decide in advance that I'm NOT sending out cards, therefore I'm not a big failure because I CHOSE to NOT do it! :-) Thanks for visiting my blog!