Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cailin was working so hard on her school project, and I was trying to be supportive. Even so I couldn't help but chuckle at her mangling of the English language as she rehearsed the oral presentation. Marie Curie (she insisted on calling her "Mary") had a daughter, Irene, otherwise known as "Irony". I can't even phonetically spell her name for "Mary's" husband Pierre. Oh my word- she is her father's daughter!!

Despite these mis-pronunciations, she remains the perfect child, as does her sister:-)


Unknown said...

This is really cute, about Caitlyn and her pronunciations. I'm enjoying your blog!

Sarah said...

I love the mispronunciations! Those are the best! I am a 31 year old speech therapist and until two months ago, pronounced the changing leaves phenomenon as "foilage". I was told by my sweet family it's pronounced "FO-lage." I could have sworn there was an "i" in there somewhere. :)

Karen said...

Just stopped by to visit your blog. You have a beautiful family and I envy your Christmas location. It looks wonderful.

God bless you.
Amanda's Mom